Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

The simplicity On Blogvertise

Once a list of Blog review / paid reviews via blog, but once in the long aprove?
according to the information that I read, he said that because your blog does not meet their requirements. usually associated with the number of blogs that have been in writing, page rank, and especially language that is in your blog.
back again according to the literature I read, "he said" your blog there is a mandatory minimum of 10 posts in it with a minimum of 200 words and 3 months published. For senior bloger no problem, how about the new bloger which the mood for posting once time comes? all the above requirements into specific constraints. Isn'T thinking PR, just post it only 1-2-3 post that is long in the update. SEO is not yet a problem that is still now my time is still "virtual". SEO knows that "Virtual" is my own or the general public. let's ask Galileo.
recently Blogvertise I sign in, registration is easy to just click

Click Advertise on My Blog

fill the form, then wait for a confirmation e-mail. and wait for the approve.
while not at first approve submit your blog so they could review the same, he he (admin) in blogvertise. not more than 24 hours in your blog aprove. register even when I do not know how my PR, only 4 posts is not each to 100 words. but also in aprove.
after that just wait the task from the boss. it certainly emailed and given a certain time to be completed soon. oh yes almost forgot, can also go the other blogs that you manage (not limited). So a two-hole wells.

after the task can be, quickly follow with the command make appropriate orders. from there u will reviewed any posts we blog the results and given the price. then the money will flow directly to your paypal.

oh so not only money you can, but also in Traffic.
What he said that friends of blogvertise advertiser is in selecting blog, which would in a. I sure they visit our blog. Moreover, I already made its review. in a review that's not, what they like in our eyes as a blogger.

let's list it! click here "Monetize you blog"

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