Senin, 01 September 2014


Hello friends, Olopinion. It seems long enough since my last post, I beg you apologies for this situation. some Project keep me busy lately. yes friend since i decided to stop being employment, I have think twice ,three times, four times , hundreds time even thousand ^^ how to earn money without working to somebody else. In other word to become an entrepreneur. I’ve tried my best then God sent me an idea to start a Clothing line business. Especially on T-shirt production. Before start...
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Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

s4 supercopy v20 (99 % looks like Original)

HI friends, long time no see hehehe Have you ever heard or seen Samsung S4, awsome isn’t it? the latest smartphone made Samsung I think You’ve seen. I won’t discuss that in this article. So many review made for this gadget. OK just to the point, it was several times ago after my wife’s blackberry got crush (i think i can’t fix it anymore) so we start to go to phonecell market central in jakarta. First choice goes to Samsung S4 because it so faboulos with the smart feature. such as air gesture,...
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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2011

Read This Before U Buy BlackBerry

The rise of sales of blackberry make a lot of crazy people, yes that's as Human Being, a majority of the population to buy goods on the basis of desire, trend and prestige. This lucrative market gives the wind a new heaven to the market is already saturated with cell phones that feature is not much developed. Blackberry service re-emerged with a price that is much cheaper than in 2004 and the price of services to other countries in the world challenge of new gadgets. UNDERSTANDING THAT YOU...
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What Kind Of Food Is Apple Ipad

The iPad is a tablet computer designed and developed by Apple. It is particularly marketed for consumption of media such as books and periodicals, movies, music, and games, and for general web and e-mail access. At around 700 grams its size and weight are intermediate between most contemporary smartphones and laptop computers. Sales of the iPad tablet are strong:since its release in April 2010, Apple has sold 3 million iPads. The iPad runs the same operating system as the previously introduced...
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Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

USX Sight USB Ultrasonic Mosquito Repeller

The expert Inventor and Inovator has thought to invent a new device to control your pest at home. The pest such as mosquito, Cacarouch and mouse. But have you ever thinks that using chemical to kill that all is endangerous you and your familly health.Our body can’t tollerant to other chemical which came in to our body. It’s actualy endangerous us. US Sight USB Ultrasonic Mosquito Repeller solve your problem. Just Plug it on your usb laptop or main PC and it will get work. Not kill but the pest...
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Minggu, 27 September 2009

Adesso SlimTouch Wireless Keyboard

When you got bussy to handle your Pc cable and get stress to make it nice to see. When the cable connect but the device doesn,t works well. It’s time for you to try this stuff. AdessoSlim Touch Wireless Keyboard. No more Cable needed. Adesso Slim Touch Wirless keyboard uses th 2,4 Ghr RF band with 30 feet range. Facilitated with 87 low profle keys that uses scissor style mechanism. And Also touch pad included to navigate and scroll your way round your PC, so just throw away your previous mouse....
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Jumat, 04 September 2009

Altec Lansing Mix Boombox IMT 800 Ipod Speaker

No share no fun, that's I call for this stuff. Altec Lansing Mix Boombox IMT 800 Ipod Speaker. When u getting bored with youe headset, Now avaible sharing sound tool for you. Everybody hear your Favorite song.Altec Lansing Mix Boombox IMT 800 Ipod Speaker, small speaker with a huge power. Installed with 5.25 inch sub woofer and 3 Inch mid range drivers and two 1 inch tweeter is ennought to shake your home with an noise. Altec Lansing Mix Boombox IMT 800 Ipod Speaker is an Ipod and Iphone sound...
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